
How Do Digital Magazines Make Money

3. New ways to make money

Generating revenue in print magazines was pretty straightforward. There were ads and subscription packages. Between these two primary revenue sources,there was little room for creativity.

Magazines that have decided to go digital, on the other hand, can count on many different possible revenue streams, probably more than they can run at the same time! Publications that have both digital and print versions of their publication can leverage onup-selling to both subscribers and advertisers. Digital ad revenues can come from diverse sources such as affiliate links, website banners or digital magazine ads.

New ways to make money with a digital magazine

Subscribers can choose a cheaper digital-only (or even web-only) or print-only subscription or a package of two or all of them – a great way to up-sell! There are plenty of ways you can expand your subscription program through digital magazines. Eventually, you canenrich your offer further by adding more of both free and paid digital issues. Some magazines evenincorporate e-commerce into their digital magazine allowing readers to buy items directly in their magazine.

When adapting the strategy to advertisers, you canoffer them advertising packages across one or multiple publishing channels since with digital, you now have multiple publishing streams with different audiences.

Going digital doesn't just limit to publishing your digital magazine on a magazine app or your website. Eventually, as with many companies that do take advantage of the Internet, you'll probably dabble in social media and improve your website. Eventually, if your brand starts tobecome an influencer over social media, you can monetize that channel as well, just as many independent vloggers, Instagrammers and other social media influencers do.

As you gain more of a following online, you are basically growing your business. Eventually, you canexpand to branded products and services such as physical merchandise or even paid courses and events.

The key to making money is to stay invested

How Do Digital Magazines Make Money


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